Author: siphons&feathers

Contemporary today and Dear Future .husband. 

Dear Future Husband.
We both believe quite a lot of lies. They couldnt stop us if we tried to allow them. And that is a beautiful thing. Our love with the Father is like an emerald, and to join together will be quite the adventure. Who says there is one in a marriage that is spiritually sensitive, or one that is spiritually more awake then the other…that is absurd! For everyone can have what they hunger for. And everyone can dine at his table. The barethought  of you already ruins those lies within me. The emerald we hold will be rare. accurate. Steady but beautiful. I can not make you appear. Nor walk a certain journey. That is not the point. I get to see the ultimate trust and faith, hope and love bare witness to who he is. When two become one in spirit and truth, he can join them together. From anywhere.

I love dirty places. Horrible places. I love very contemporary high places with weath, progress and design. I can not stand the middle ground. Be ready for the Spirit to suddenly sweep us to a circle of weath, and not long after be head over heels surrounded in poverty. Not our bank accounts. Who knows what my bank account will ever hold! But those places of friendship, love and hope. Those are the true bank accounts. And those places can suddenly come from anywhere. One relationship leading to the other. Lies being lies and never having a chance to take root. Being blown away time and time again from the breath of our dear King. Time and time again being true to whom we are. At his timing, and at his pace.

Be ready to see that I struggly greatly at holding onto things that dont matter. Even if it seems unwise. Its so difficult to take a stand in something when I dont see the Father’s character in it. And sometimes it takes time to see. No matter what it is.  It will frusterate you at times, and excite you in other times. Your just heart will do the same to mine as well. Leading each other always back to the point of origin. Him. Its good to get it out in the open now. Because that emerald color is the most violent ..thing …on earth.


There is no greater excuse to love someone then through coffee.

Nothing like the Third Wavve Coffee Scene. Nothing like the French women who had stumbled upon and  admired the Turkish culture of coffee consumption, their on take of Turkish rugs, hats, costume wear and Coffee Parties. Nothing like the bizarre and timless trends the coffee plant has and will continue to carry. Being LA grounded, London housed and Scandinavian daily-ed….my experience with the Industry only leads me, like many others, to pounder what is next. Clearly the consumption is trending, but folks…it is 2015, and a small cup of liquide is the last of the details of the plant as we look ahead.

My current all time favorite is this new (georgeous) product. B R E W Watches. Inspired by expresso machines.

And I cant help to notice as I walk down the Streets of London, to see the Inspiration from the Coffee Industry around every corner…

Hair Salons with Coffee jute bags as comfy bench pillows in the waiting area…or this Kitchen Design Group “Espresso Design” ….

And besides the masses of Pour Over and Hand Brew Equipement emerging in the market place daily…


And espresso machines taking on completely new forms and shapes…

One still cant help but wonder …where next? …who next?…and why not now.

Those are thoughts and conversations I have regularly with Jesus. How can I love the person infront of me. What can I design with you? What are YOUR thougts about industrial design, architecture, the earth, and all Gods people? this where you are knudging me? Hmm or this…

There is no grandure way to live each moment then in the satisfaction of dwelling with him. And THEN…to create from that place. To love from that place. To set a table before others as he does me. The exploding movement in my heart that examds without intention as I am one with him, and go about my dad, can never be stopped.

And it is time that work, labor, responsibility, and creation of that around us becomes wholisticslly connected to that core dwelling with him.

And to imagine!

What the sheep?

A post about Tattoos, Architecture, Screaming Poets and other unexpected ways to let perfect love cultivate this earth.

I have to share about these guys. A firm that I believe is speaking on behalf of an entire new movement of innovative and creative…badasses in the kingdom. His righteous and Rad children. Hear them roar.

Pretty amazing firm, right?

Doesn’t matter what lead me here, but January 31st 2015 I found myself at my “home” in the South of France. Sitting.

I sat there in the highest level of an old chateau.
8 days straight in fact.
I didn’t pray, intercede like a storm, worship with all my might.. I didn’t draw, paint, play, write, read. I just, sat.

It was the loudest thing I have ever done; using my heart, mind, soul and every muscle…”Father YOU, not me”

It was a dramatic start to a lifestyle change I had accidentally started to take on. A dramatic and necessary re-start.

And since then I haven’t taken the initiative on one.single.thing. Crazy right? No one has known this. But God himself has be loud about it. The date today is May 5th 2015.

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I got got this tattoo in December ish 2013.

I hated it. I cried at night and often had panic attacks. I never through this be “that person” with a tattoo fail. It was my fail, but it was a fail non the less. The thick sharpie like lines, the…corn on the cob look-a-like arrow…the whole thing. It was a dry and dead, difficult field.

December 31st 2014, it transformed. And when it did, the heavens opened up and I felt the presence of God. Yes it was the coziest tattoo session I’d ever had. My guy Nick at Godspeed Tattoo in San Mateo anointed some magic and love into it and it blossomed. (ha, get it). But it did.

And the Father spoke to me about that.

And then many prophets and teachers and friends have confirmed it over, and over and over. Day in and Day out. This is the turn -around season. This is the start of an era of promises manifesting.

No more dry fields, but a ripe field for harvest. His harvest.


So I sit, and each day he leads me somewhere. Bringing up something. Heals me. Loves me. Bothers me with his never ceasing or letting up. Just keeps pushing love my way. And then some more. And some more.

Ink is a touchy subject in the christian world. It’s true we speak things over ourselves when we do it. Which can be dangerous. But also it can be used as an amazing journey.
I lie. I cheat. I steal. Sometimes I destroy. Sometimes I curse. Sometimes I get ink. God overrides it all. Cancels it all. and transforms…everything.

It’s no secret I wasn’t doing too well this past 22 months. But it is a mystery to me that here I am… In the same geographical location, same neighborhood, same..a lot of things… and everything yet has been transformed. It’s beautiful and incredible. I wake up satisfied and excited. How is that possible?! Choices. Choices, values, and a lot of supernatural engagement.
Norway is really different than France is really different than California. It’s a no brainer.

Er..but pause that music DJ… Stavanger is really different, is really different than… Stavanger (?) And it’s only been a few months.

I opened my hand and let my life be blown by the wind. Some things stayed, some things didn’t. A cultivation. A harvest. A turn around.
Ive never been more at peace, more confident. Never been more at rest, and more secure, then in THE TERROR of jumping out of the boat and letting him cultivate and initiate.
Now I love my tattoo. It’s special to me. It’s like it knows me, and it’s walking with me.

Levi the Poet is another roar. A roar that lets the whispers of heaven, of perfect love, drive out the dessert. He lets the harvest of truth manifest. It’s beautiful. He’s beautiful! Seriously check out his website and a ton more videos.

Perfect love can take anything. Perfect love can be let in. Perfect love and be let out. It can innovate and design. It can write and scream. It can take anything. and make Everything.


Check out this incredible incredible product. Dear California, and the rest of the world… this is for you! I hear you’ve just about spoiled yourself out of water…

So I had the opportunity to walk around the lake near my house the other day and as the sun was setting, my breath was taken away. I couldn’t stop my heart from throbbing with warm joy (even though I live in Norway and it’s like 0 degrees Fahrenheit) And then I said something to myself in which I can’t exactly remember the details of, but let me just say it was dumb. No it was more than dumb, it was a Candace-ism.


My family uses this term often in fact. It’s when a phrase so ridiculous comes out, it evokes a loud roar of laughter, hysterical confusion and utter surprise that that thought actually existed from someone, me. And I laughed. And in a whirlwind of seconds I was thoroughly entertained by myself.

Out loud I said “Jesus, you are a nerd…I mean, who am I*?!” As I continued to laugh.

I told Jesus he was a nerd.

and I laughed more at myself for doing that. See what I mean by a whirlwind?

For, HE MADE ME. And, LOOK WHO HE MADE. That’s far from a cheesy “Jesus made me special.” That was a, “wow, someone as bizarre as me not only was created…but was considered as an idea to be created” Conclusion, Jesus is a nerd.


And I walked the rest of the way home, along the lake, Instagram-ing the stunning moss and beautiful mixture of new bright colors springing up and the remains of the dead winter. Nature is more than wild things we need to tame to make sure our lawns stay green and square, Nature is life’s finest, delicate poem. Maybe Jesus isn’t a “nerd” after all. but, he’s pretty ridiculous.

Nature, kinda a cliche word these days. Same as “green”. Let’s “go green”
Or how about let’s start a new fad. garden. Reclaiming the Garden. And let’s start with ourselves.

Here is a picture/link to a free people blog I liked. It’s simple and easy.
These things I do to integrate nature into my life. Because I too, am a nerd.

Yes yes so that was quite feminine of me to share, so here are two of my recent favs for gents. The first is a vegan Eco friendly shop
This will lead you to some great places for clothes accessories etc. “Ethically Handsome menswear.”


The other is a blog full of fabulous resources, articles and pictures of good looking hipster men. (if you’re into that sorta thing)


Lets be nerds. Lets be sexy hipsters. Maybe lets just get back to the garden and our original intention here on earth and get over waves of fads. Some of the least hipster, least hippy people I know are the most Eco friendly these days. It’s just who we are. WHO ARE WE….?

A Love Like No Other

Kenneth D. Hopkins

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends – John 15:13

Where Do We Start

Actually we are not going to start where you would think. Typically Easter messages pick up from where Good Friday, the death of Jesus left off, and speak of the good news of His resurrection. We are not starting there. We will get there at some point, but where we start is with a post that a friend of mine wrote on Facebook. In the post, she spoke of her current state of being, her anger at life, or at nothing or whatever… In the midst of this state of being, she gets a call from Ethiopia, one of those “I’ve been waiting for these” opportunities. While she was focused inward, focused on whatever was wrong and in a state of anger rather than submission and thankfulness, God…

View original post 2,097 more words


I hate you I hate you I hate you…

Is how I fell asleep last night talking to God.

shaking rage deep within was the thing keeping me as still as possible, and the irony was that I did eventually fall asleep. I could have tossed and turned for hours you know. but that’s just me, and how I respond to rage.

And that damn hit song is stuck on repeat in my head, “You split the sea so I could walk right through it, You drowned my fears in perfect love” “I’m no longer a slave to fear” And I think as I respond to the replaying song in my head with an “UGH DEIFEHGVRGD” …Jesus is up there with a smile and a silent “gotcha Princess” look on his face.

And that was my transition from a Sunday to a Monday.


I love my problems. They are mine. And they are my inheritance to take care of. They are unique to me. I smile at myself. Laugh at myself. My parents rule the kingdom of laughing at one’s self, and I was born into that. My problems make me roll my own eyes at my own self. Like I’m my own incredible best friend who sees me and still loves me. But also can’t let certain things be tolerated.

And this will be the thought that takes me into the rest of my Monday.

London Coffee Fest, are you?

Favor yourself and check out London Coffee Festival’s website, it will tempt you like no other!

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p r o ducts

Select This: Supreme Roastworks 

(click image for website)

Make it in This: 

Hario Co., Coffee Press

(click image for website)

Drink it in This: Plantable Coffee Cups 

(click image for website)